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Mirage: Explosion Event for the Cornerstone Ceremony of the Quanzhou Museum of Contemporary Art (QMoCA)

December 8, 2023

Over approximately 20 minutes, between the sea and the sky space that will house the future Cai Guo-Qiang-initiated, Frank Gehry-designed Quanzhou Museum of Contemporary Art (QMoCA), an artistic drone firework performance, Mirage: Explosion Event for the Cornerstone Ceremony of the Quanzhou Museum of Contemporary Art (QMoCA), unfolded magically.

Mirage marks Cai’s second explosive event in his hometown, the first being Sky Ladder in 2015. On this occasion, the performance celebrated the Pritzker Prize laureate Frank Gehry’s first architecture project in mainland China and expressed Cai’s gratitude for the nurturing he received from his homeland and culture. Mirage also inaugurated the cornerstone ceremony on December 9th. The events were principally sponsored by Mercedes-Benz.


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Ramble in the Cosmos—From Primeval Fireball Onward

The National Art Center, Tokyo

June 29 to August 21, 2023

Cai Guo-Qiang’s solo exhibition, co-organized by the National Art Center, Tokyo and SAINT LAURENT, to open in Tokyo.

Primeval Fireball marked a transformative departure for my vision and thinking, and its lasting effects accompany me to this present moment.” Cai Guo-Qiang



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When the Sky Blooms with Sakura

June 26, 2023

On June 26th at 12:00 PM, Cai Guo-Qiang realized the daytime fireworks When the Sky Blooms with Sakura at Yotsukura Beach in Iwaki City, Japan, an area which had been devastated by the 2011 Japan earthquake and the resulting tsunami.

As part of a commitment to creative excellence beyond fashion—and driven by an admiration for Cai Guo-Qiang’s art and forward-thinking vision—Anthony Vaccarello commissioned the project for SAINT LAURENT. The project was organized by the Iwaki Executive Committee of When the Sky Blooms with Sakura



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cAI™: An Artificial Intelligence Project

April 25, 2023

Contemporary artist Cai Guo-Qiang’s artificial intelligence (AI) art project, cAI™ (pronounced “AI Cai”), draws from his long-established artistic philosophy and methodology to develop a custom AI program. The AI deep learns from Cai’s rich oeuvre, extensive writings, archival materials, and documentation. cAI™ also acquires knowledge in the diverse fields in which Cai has had a lifelong intellectual interest, such as cosmology and the unseen world.

cAI™ is an expansive, experimental art project, a multi-modal synthesis that grows organically alongside the course of Cai’s life and with the advancement of new technology. It is both a new work by Cai and a collaborative partner with whom he is in dialogue—a partner who has the potential to create independently in the future.